
Rehearsals have begun!
We are basking in the silliness!*

Encore Players Community Theatre announces its performance of Monty Python’s Spamalot.

Tickets will be available on this page after July 4. All ticket sales will be pre-sale and online. There will be no “at the door” purchases.

* Want reel proof of silliness? Check out our Facebook Reels page…

Accessibility info for Spamalot in the Arena Theatre:

LOCATION: The theatre is located in a large barn. It is outdoors with both sides of the barn open wide to allow for air circulation, views, and sound quality. If you are sensitive to temperature, please make note of the weather as this space does not have A/C or heat.

SOUND: There is a live pit orchestra so if loud noises are hard, you may want to pack headphones. If you use assistive listening devices, it may be best to sit on the side of the risers closest to the door (away from the pit).

LIGHTING: There are moments during the show where the lights may flicker or strobe for a moment to add effects to the plot.

SEATING: There will be risers with comfortable cushioned seats. The chairs do not have armrests. If you would like to have more space on either side of you or need more legroom, please consider a seat in the bottom row where it will be easier to move things around. There is a railing on both sides of the risers that runs all the way to the top row. The height of each step is shown below, roughly 6”. There is seating at ground level which can be removed to make space for wheelchairs.

FLOORING: The ground is a packed, crushed stone that is level and hard.

ENTRANCE: The entrance is flat and ground level. The parking lot is grass and stone.

TOILETS: There is an accessible port-o-potty on site, with two other standard port-o-potties.

PARKING: There are two reserved parking spaces for those with accessible hang tags. Due to limited parking options, if you are being driven and would like to be dropped off at the door, our ushers and parking attendants are happy to assist you and welcome you into the theatre while the rest of your party parks the car.

* Encore Players Group believes that theatre should be enjoyed by everyone. Please let us know if you have feedback (or questions) on ways we can make our performances more inclusive and accessible to our patrons. Thank you for your support and enjoy the show!


Inherit The Wind


Almost, Maine